Friday, September 7, 2007

Random thoughts from the week

We haven't been doing anything great this week...just the usualy stuff. On Tuesday night we went to Kexton and Kolton's soccer game. They did really good, they won of course. Then last night we had Kameron's soccer game. If no one has ever been to watch 4 year olds play soccer it is quite entertaining. We had a really good time and I think they tied each other. The goaly for our side would keep picking up the ball and kicking it into his goal! They didn't count those points though. We had a great time. Kenzie especially enjoyed herself. She had a great idea while we were there...she wanted to play soccer too and went running onto the field numerous times with the big kids. She saw me running after her and that made her day. She then thought that was the most fun she could have. So we repeated this several times. I was the one wore out by they time we got home. Yesterday I was completely over come with road rage. This truck driver thought that he could push me around and run me off the road. I was none to happy so when I did finally get around him that I rolled my window down and gave him what for! I was so mad. I almost called the cops to pull him over. He was really rude. I tried to calm myself down, but was still furious about it. Well I couldn't wait for Mackenzie to start sleeping through the night right? Well now she is and I am not. In fact I find that I can't sleep at all anymore. If anyone has any suggestions I would love some. It is really wearing on me.


Knit Wit said...

Have you tried Tylenol PM?

What about some Sleepy Time herbal tea?

I haven't had a good nights sleep in about 2 years. Even if my kids sleep good I don't. I don't even remember what it feels like to wake up feeling like I have slept.

Good Luck!!!

Dick&Erica said...

I think the funniest thing we've ever seen is our 3-year old nephew's soccer game. Kids running on and off the field whenever they wanted, bursting into tears at the drop of a hat, picking flowers, chasing butterflies. There was only one kid who actually knew how to play, but you'd better believe each kid lined right up for the treat after the game!

Anonymous said...

Em, I feel your road rage!!! I have never been cut off so many times than when driving from Maricopa to Chandler and I have lived in Utah so that says a lot. Arizona drivers are just as ruthless as Utah drivers.