Monday, October 22, 2007

Trip out West

Well we are back from our trip out west. We had a very busy time and we had a lot of fun. Jake went to the BYU game and was in for a treat...a "Blizzard" as he called it came. He still enjoyed himself. We went from Salt Lake City, UT airport straight to Boise, ID and stayed at my sister Tammie's for a couple of days, then on to Shelley, ID, to stay with Jennifer. I got to go back to Rexburg and see the new Temple. It was really pretty, looks like St. Lewis. Boy has Rexburg changed. It has grown so much. Got to see Kenzie's babysitter Danielle for like 5 minutes just outside her work. I wished we could have spent more time with her. But I was glad to see her. We then went to Misty's in Orem, UT. It was nice to go to a smaller town. We had a good time. We went to Temple Square on Friday night. It was nice on Friday...then Saturday came and with it it brought snow. It was nice for Jake to see Real snow...and not Icy snow like here. I think he had a good time, and I know Mackenzie liked seeing all her cousins she has never met before, and I really loved seeing my sisters. I miss them already. It is nice to be home though.

1 comment:

Knit Wit said...

I am happy ya'll had a safe trip. love ya, Erin