Thursday, October 11, 2007

Terrible Mother

Okay, so I am a terrible mother. I have been so busy thinking of myself, that I have forgotten to tell you Mackenzie has finally started talking some. I guess I just kept telling myself that she doesn't say anything but Mama...but she says a lot of things now. Here is her list of clearly understandable words: Mama Daddy MawMaw Book Baby BaBa Dog GawCawrt (Golf Cart) Go Ride Bye Duck DiDi (Diane) erk (Work) Hey Hiey (Aunt Heidi) poon(spoon) cacker(Cracker) Mo(More) Okay Huh No, No Sock Nanny So as you can tell, she is really talking alot. I just haven't really realized it until yesterday. My baby isn't a baby anymore. Everyday I watch her and realize more and more she is a toddler. She is 18 months now and sometimes, thinks she is 10. She can get on and off the couch by herself most times. She hasn't thought of getting out of her crib...thank goodness. I am not ready for that I don't think. This morning she was so proud of herself, she can turn the light on and off. I love my little baby girl.

1 comment:

Knit Wit said...

She is saying a lot of words. Good job Mackenzie.