Monday, March 24, 2008
Posted by
10:03 AM

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9:20 AM
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Mackenzie's Thumbs

Posted by
1:22 PM
26 weeks Almost
Posted by
1:11 PM
A little scare
Well on Friday I was feeling pretty good, and then all of a sudden a bad headache and really, really, really hot, and heart was racing, couldn't catch my breath. All I was doing was sitting at my desk probably surfing the internet. It really scared me, because after about 2 or three hours, I was still feeling pretty bad. So I left work and went on over to Labor and Delivery since my doctor's office closed at 11:30. So they hook me up and my blood pressure was good, and the baby was more than fine, moves constantly even when I can't feel it, and his heart rate was great. So they did told me they thought my blood sugar had topped out and then just dropped. I also was thinking I was having contractions, but I don't have them when I lay down or just rest, It is when I am up doing lots of things, like toting Kenzie or laying her crib down to move the mattress up all by myself, or cleaning the house in general. The doctor told me to just slow down and not rush anymore...but if you know name should have been hurry up! Because I rush at most everything I do. I am not a lazy person I just move to quickly. So he sent me home with some Darvacet and told me to go to bed. Which I did!!! and felt some better the next day. I took it easy pretty much all weekend. But I am glad that everything seems okay. He said I probably have Gestational Diabeties with him like I had with Kenzie...yuck...we find out for sure next month.
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1:03 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Big girl bed
We have finally made the transition from crib to big girl bed. We had a queen bed in the baby's room and so we decided not to buy a new bed just use the queen one instead. So we move the room around on Saturday. She started freaking out when she saw her crib coming out of her room...she was yelling Kenzie's bed, Kenzie's bed! She likes her big girl bed, but she was still not sure about the whole thing. She sleeps like a rock in her new bed and I have had to wake her up every morning so far. She hasn't tried to get down yet, but I know it is coming. She can get off of the bed by herself, but luckily she doesn't. She cries a little for us to lay down with her, so we do for like 2 minutes...and then she has to go to sleep on her own. Last night she was whining and saying mama, mama, mama...over and over and over again getting louder each time. She finally said Mama mere. I went in and she wanted me to lay down with her. I told her no and that she needed to lay down by herself. I left...immediate crying. After about 2 minutes of whining..I yelled down the hall, stop that whining and go to sleep...I'll be in to check on you in a minute. Well she immediately stopped whining and said okay, and within 10 minutes was fast asleep. So far it has been really easy for us...but she hasn't tried to get down yet instead of staying in her bed. I can't believe I have an almost 2 year old and she is not in her crib anymore. I can't believe I am having another baby soon. I sure have grown up and turned into my sister's and mother!
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10:17 AM
Monday, March 3, 2008
Adventures in Potty Training
Well for some reason I thought hey let's start potty training. So Saturday morning we head out to Wal-Mart and buy a new potty, nothing fancy but a 3 n 1. So we also get big girl panties and we are so excited right. We can't even wait to get it out of the box when we get home. So off the diaper goes and we sit and then stand and look deep into the potty and say no no pee pee. So we sit and stand again...this goes on for some 10 minutes. I asked her if she need to poop as she calls it and she said okay, so she get's back on the potty and pushes...well grunts like she is pushing...then stands up and says no poop. Then all of a sudden she says uh oh, and on my floor was a nice surprise. I help her quickly back on the potty and tell her to finish pushing on there and then see out of the corner of my eye Phil, my bassett hound making a bee line towards us. I hurry and get him outside and start the clean up process. a little did make it in the potty so we got lots of praise for that. But after that the potty is still something she wants to do, but she is running around with only a t shirt on...she couldn't quite get the up and down of the panties yet(she gets the front but not the back) So three puddles on the floor and once in the potty for Saturday. Then on Sunday of course to church she wears her big girl panties on top of her diaper. She tried twice at church to go potty, but nothing. Then we get home and four times on the floor and none in the potty. After the 100th time I had her sit on the potty she told me diaper and laid on the floor. If anyone has any suggestions please help. I never got on to her about going on the floor, just lots of reminders that next time we need to try to go in the potty. By Sunday she noticed right away she was going, where on Saturday she didn't notice at all until after and she saw the puddle. So any help!
Posted by
3:17 PM