Thursday, April 9, 2009

Princess Kenzie is 3

Well it has been a busy couple of weeks around here. Not much exciting going on, just life and daily things. Kenzie had her third birthday on Monday. We had a party and she loved it. She was really specific this year with exactly what she wanted to have. She wanted a barbie cake with brown hair not yellow hair and a pink and blue dress. She also wanted Belle and Tinkerbell to be there. Well we didn't get them in person but they were there in pictures. She was so excited this year it was fun to watch her. She got a Snow White dress and some dress up shoes from maw maw and granny and she just twirled the dress around and around. So girly. She had to wear her shoes to conference on Sunday. We normally don't go to the church and watch it, but Shaylin got baptised after so we made the trip.
What to say about my amazing, smart, sweet, funny, beautiful little girl. She lights up my life. I am so blessed to have you in our family. We love your little spirit and how thoughtful you always try to be. You love your Heavenly Father very much...that makes me so proud. You are usually good to your brother, but since he has become mobile you really are showing him who is boss, which sometimes results in a time out, or another form of punishment. You love to sing and dance...although I think you take after me in those areas...not very coordinated :) You are scared of heights and will not get on your daddy's shoulders. You aren't scared of much. You love to help and call your self such a big helper. Your vocabulary amazes me everyday. You come up with new phrases and words I didn't even think you knew. You like to be just like me and say everything and do almost everything I do. You really look up to your daddy. You try to imitate his Turkey Calls and even have found yourself your own. Even though they are really straws. You love to change your clothes and have become quiet specific about what you want to wear and what you don't. You love shoes!!!!!! You love flip flops like me and hate socks. You wear your pj's most of the time. Getting you to eat is still a challenge, but we get through it everyday. You will not try new foods! You only eat a couple of different things...sometimes I think you will just starve to death. You love dolls and baby dolls. You play house very well. I watch you pretend play with your barbies and little go anywhere dolls and you remind me so much of me when I was little. It makes me want to be little again so we can play. You love taking showers with me. I can hardly get one alone anymore. You sing and play in the "Rain" (shower). It is easier to wash your hair. You have become more snugly this past year, which I love. I have to sing you a princess song every night. You help me make up the words as we go.
Our family has been so blessed to have you and we love you very much. I can't imagine life without you. I hope you always stay close to us an to your Heavenly Father. We love you my little princess.


Knit Wit said...

Oh sweet! Wish we could have been there to help Mackenzie celebrate her day.

We love you guy's.

The High Family- said...

What a fun party! You made it so special for her. She is such a pretty little girl.