Monday, February 18, 2008

Lovely Life with a 2 Year Old

This weekend has been a nice one again. It started off rainy and dreary, but ended up beautiful and sunny. Mackenzie has really been pressing her independence. She laid down on the floor for me to change her very wet diaper, just for me to finally get on the floor to change it for her to decide it was temper tantrim time...she refused to let me change her,even screaming no at me and hitting the floor. I tried not to laugh, it was by no means funny behavior, but to see such a little person try throw themselves around like that and make demands on an adult is just amazing. He daddy let it happen for about 1 minute...he usually misses these events...he finally after seeing me struggle to flip her over and over and over and drag her back and drag her back...tells her in a very stern voice to stop and let mama change her diaper. He told her she would have to go stand in the corner if she didn't stop throwing her was like a whole new child took over her little flaying body. She was fine after that. She found pacifier in her toys and I wasn't too concerned when she came out with it in her mouth. She never took one as a baby no matter how hard we tried to get her to take one, but for some reason she wouldn't part with it on Saturday. She didn't even take a nap, she just sat in her crib playing with it for about 2 1/2 hours. She finally gave it up when she was doing something else and I unnoticably threw it in the trash. She hasn't asked for it since. yhew...that was a relief. Then on Sunday she has on a new dress that my friend Erin gave her and oh, it looked so cute on her with her pretty bow in her hair. As we are pulling into church with the two ladies I pick up for church...oh, I hear a terrible noise in the back seat...she is throwing up. Why I am not sure. She wasn't crying or anything and then when I went inside to clean her up she was so upset we couldn't stay. So what does a good mother whose child just threw up do...of course I take her home and bath her and change her dress and back to church we go. I know I am sure everyone else was so appreciative that I brought the maybe bug carring toddler that all kids love to kiss on and can't resist touching her, back to church to expose everyone else to the possible cause for the accident in the car! Ha HA, but that is exactly what I did. But she was fine after that and she has been fine since. I even let her go home with someone else after church. What a model caring mother. HA HA! Also if anyone has been pregnant with a boy or a girl that caused major distress to your nerves when you layed down please tell me how to get some releif and some sleep. This little boy is killing my legs and back, and making everything fall asleep the second I lay down. I have tried the couch and the recliner and I was up at 3 this morning trying some legs lifts to maybe work out the syatic nerve...when I would lift my left leg up and put it back down you could actually hear and feel the bones moving over the gross. But it did bring a couple hours relief. Uggg. this boy is causing me so much grief that I hope he is an angel once he gets here. Mackenzie was such a breeze, she never caused me any trouble until she was born and she was a colicly baby for the first six months and is already in her terrible two's. Any help would be great...oh, and in case I forget, Happy Birthday Avery! I can't believe you are 1 year old!!!!!

1 comment:

The High Family- said...

Don't you love being a mom...a pregnant mom at that! I am so sorry you are going through such bad pain with this pregnancy. I would suggest a massage. I got one a couple months ago and it made a world of difference. I know it isn't medically necessary, but Cameron new I needed it physically and emotionally. Forking out the cash wasn't so fun, but it was worth every penny. It helped to get rid of of a lot of the aches and pains associated with being pregnant. Also, you still need a little time for yourself and a massage is the perfect time to get it. Hope this helps. Oh ya, I can totally relate with the temper tantrums. Cade isn't even two until May 3rd and he has been a pill. I promise it is not just your child. I was ready last week to send him on a one way solo ticket to my mother in Missouri and tell her to deal with him. Yes, that's right I will be receiving the mother of the year award this year.(okay or not)